
Courtney Love

Speaking of Frances...

"Frances Bean Cobain stunned photographers on a new Elle magazine photo shoot when she turned up wearing her late father Kurt Cobain's old pajamas. She says, 'He got married to my mom in them in Hawaii in 1992 so I thought it'd be cute if I wore them today.'"



Ash Stymest and Cole Mohr taken by Richard Bush for Man About Town Spring 09


Desert Fox

Elise Crombez UK Elle June 09


You're Too Sweet for Rock and Roll

Georgia May Jagger Isn't she just gorgeous? Like the dramatized gorgeous with her daddy's lips and everything and I would die for that Michael Kors dress in the last picture


Happy Birthday Joey Ramone!!!!

"The Ramones own the fountain of youth. Experiencing us is like having the fountain of youth."

Words cannot even describe how much I love this band. Joey Ramone is definitley in my top 5 people i want to meet when I die. R.I.P.!!!!!!!!!!!
"I enjoyed my life when I had nothing... and kinda like the idea of just being happy with me."

(and yes i know i have an unhealthy obsession)


I said ooh girl, shock me like an Electric Eel

Oh how i love MGMT. Definitley grows on you. I was trying to get it together to see them at Bonnaroo but tickets are a little more than i can afford, also considering airfare and etc. Anyone going?

I guess thats enough procrastinating for me, gotta get back to writing my chem paper. Ugh jr. year suckssss! Almost out though!

Hedi Slimane

Uh hey can i have that gorgeous studded leather jacket ya have on there? thanks

All pix from Hedi Slimane