
Right Now It's Time to...

KICK OUT THE JAMS MOTHERFUCKERS(I thought the MC5 was appropriate Independance Day no?)

I go through obsessive phases a lot. When I was younger I was in LOVE with Elvis. I used to go around singing Hound Dog (or so my very amused mother tells me). I pretty much thought I was Elvis. I actually remember asking my mom if she would let me wear a jumpsuit and glue little sequins on it. Then I wanted to be MK and Ashley (this was during their olsen and olsen detective agency era)......(past a couple embarrasing obsessions)..... Up til last year when I went through my Anti-everything phase. It all started when I read Please Kill Me(which is probably one of the best books ever) and started hating everything that made me look normal. I didn't listen to the radio or watch t.v. I only listened to 60s 70s NY punk with the exception of The Stooges and MC5 and a little bit of U.K.(Vibrators, U.K. Subs, Clash, etc), thus starting my Iggy Pop obsession. I thought he was God. I could probably write a book about him with everything I know. I still think he is the best performer I've ever seen (and I know from first hand experience, I saw the Stooges last year, another rant in itself including crowdsurfing, almost breaking my nose). I really wanted to be him. I wanted to be a Iggy Pop Joey Ramone Stiv Bators Wendy O Williams all wrapped up into one. My new obsession is Andrew Vanwyngarden and MGMT. I would totally wear anything he owns. It's kinda my new drive to wear anything I think he would, attracting strange looks from ultra-conservatives. But someone please tell me he does not look amazing?

Sorry for the novel I just wrote! Enjoy 4th of July!


irene said...

Happy Independence day!


this wheel's on fire said...

I loved reading that! I'm actually very similar with my phases...I usually become mildly interested, then slightly obsessed, then think of nothing else for a while, and then i move on (while still maintaining a solid love)...

Is This Real Life? said...

I love their style. so miss matched but it still works perfectly!

Kati said...

Great rocking pics!

Lauren and Jennifer said...

Thanks for commenting on our blog! By the way we are in love with yours!!!